Friday, 26 April 2013

Expiring Domains: every company’s nightmare

This year, millions of people’s domains will expire. If they are well-informed enough to have a renewal agreement with whomever they registered with, they’ll be fine, but there will undoubtedly be some who will fall through the gap.

For companies who conduct most of their business online, forgetting to renew your registration can be disastrous. Not only does the website drop out, but so do your emails. This however, is only half the problem.

Monday, 22 April 2013

Our hopes for the future of Bitcoin

As long-term Bitcoin community members we have viewed the last few weeks with a mixture of trepidation and excitement. Having sold our products and services for BTC over the past year we have found that although there is a substantial amount of Bitcoin out there, there is still not a vibrant market in exchanging them for goods and services. In our humble opinion, if there was more trade in BTC, there would be a greater stability within the market. However, we have watched as frustratingly the majority of Bitcoin activity has been funneled into speculation and playing the market. This alongside the hoarding/saving that a lot of miners have engaged in, has lead to very little being spent on actual commodities. Now, however we hope that people will start to see that the currency is much better suited to its original purpose. Perhaps another cryptocurrency will emerge, which is innately better suited to speculation, but in the meantime, we hope that people will start to use their Bitcoins for more and more transactions.