Wednesday 30 January 2013


Reports suggest the new .xxx domain has failed to arouse any interest! During a recent website scan by Metacert, it appears that 82% of adult sites are choosing to remain on the .com domain.

Many argue that the new top level domains are in fact beneficial, as they will allow consumers to be more aware of the site they are on whilst ensuring safety and stability of the domain name system. However certain pornography industry representatives disagree.

Managing partner Fabian Thylmann at online pornography giant, Manwin Associates has stated that “We oppose the .xxx domain and all it stands for”.

"By permanently blocking the .xxx domain, Manwin hopes to send a clear message that it does not support. icm or .xxx”.

The company has since refused to allow advertising on its website from any company using the .xxx domain.

Why are adult sites doing this? One source has argued that after adult sites register the .xxx domain, governments may pass a law forcing search engines to block all .xxx domains, thus hugely reducing the accessibility of pornography on online.

Metacert Chief executive Paul Walsh however states that lack of take up for the new domain is due to “economic hardships’ within the digital adult industry.

At Frank Domains, we can tell you that registering your company under the .xxx domain will help keep you in control. Could you imagine what would happen if someone registered (your company name).xxx.? Well, unless you work in that industry, it may be quite damaging to your brand and reputation.

1 comment:

  1. I recently acquired a few .xxx and though i am not sure what it is i am doing but i believe they could be valuable in future

    Any thoughts or am i just fooling my self here....
