Friday 17 May 2013

The force of Star Wars is back; LucasFilm registers new domains

It has recently been announced that Disney/LucasFilm are teaming up with Electronic Arts to develop a series of new Star Wars games over the next several years, with the earliest game release suspected for 2014. However, new domain registrations suggest that potentially there is far more than interactive games on the horizon; we here are eager to see ‘Order 67’ being released into a big-budget, action-packed blockbuster.

The domains registered, which all redirect to the official site for LucasFilm,, include; Star Wars Alliance, Star Wars Rebels, Star Wars Wolf Pack, Wolf Pack Adventures, Order 67, Wookiee Hunters and numerous Gungan Frontier sequels.

Original Gungan Frontier game for the PC, released in 1999

Hardcore fans from the 90s might remember the original Gungan Frontier game which resembles the style of SimCity; with gamers building life on Naboo moon. With sequels 2-4 registered, it is suggested that these will be a game series; although there is uncertainty regarding the platform or spin off which will be approached. There has been speculation that EA games might wish to pursue additional mobile platforms.

It is still early days; but by monitoring the feedback, response and positive comments posted online, Star Wars fans are delighted with these new domain registrations and will be keeping their eyes peeled for a­ny updates or news released by LucasFilm’s. 

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