Wednesday, 14 August 2013

‘Hyperloop’ a load of hype or a solid idea?

News has broken that US business tycoon Elon Musk, founder of SpaceX, Tesle and PayPal, has proposed a new innovative way to travel, using the forces of gravity with speeds nearly matching that of sound (up to 760mph or 1,2220 km/h). 
Proposed 'Hyperloop'

The ‘Hyperloop’ idea will provide a transport link between Los Angeles and San Francisco, with a mere journey time of approximately 30 minutes and a suggested small ticket fee of $20 (£13). The capsules or pods, which are proposed, will be16 feet in length with a capacity to hold 4 – 6 people, dependent on a maximum weight of 900 pounds. They are expected to transport passengers 380 miles by ‘shooting’ them along a tube with compressors to move the air past the vehicle and hovering on an air bed with a super-smooth motion similar to an aeroplane.  

Commenting on his plans, Elon Musk has announced, “I originally started thinking about [Hyperloop] when I read about California’s high-speed rail project which was somewhat disappointing... It’s actually worse than taking the plane. I get a little sad when things are not getting better in the future.”

With Elon Musk’s proven track record with the work he has done for SpaceX and Tesle, this project might become a reality. His concepts are solid, innovative and breathtaking and here at Frank, we for one do hope this project takes off; even if it is a few years before implementation.

More information of his plans with initial details and images can be found here.

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